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Friday, June 19, 2020

Thank you, Dr. Yong! FilJap Regional Leader Jun Jumawan

MD Reflection 
Thank you so much, Dr. Yong!
June 19, 2020 By: Jun Jumawan 

In behalf of all our FilJap Blessed families and all Filjap second generations, we sincerely expressed our deepest gratitude and congratulations to our beloved Group Chairman of the Heavenly Asia Pacific Region, Rev. Dr. Cheong Sik Yong for directly leading successfully the 2nd 40 Day Asia Pacific Heart network of Morning Devotion.

Through this condition, brothers and sisters can truly understand deeply the sorrowful situation of God and our True Parents.Throughout 80 days everyday we received great revival and heart revolution. Dr. Yong, you are truly a real filial son of our True Parents. Rev. Yu Han Lee, TPs and HPs are very proud of you...Thank you so much for your sincere Jeong Seong! Today’s message I learned that when there is a longing heart to save Cain, there is multiplication.

Our True Father should great example on how He sincerely I’ve Cain in offering His Jeong Seong until His eyes popped up due to lot of tears in saving Cain, loving people and loving members. We really need to inherit this kind of heart from our True Parents. I really have to proclaim my strong resolution that I also need to love Cain more than my spouse, more than my family in order to move Spiritual World. 

I will determine to inherit the three great secrets of the True Father how to take care of Cain; be responsible, to protect and raise up to God’s to become the real child of God. Treat our HTM members as our own children. Even if our standard is not so perfect, I really have to do my best on how to love our Tribal Members. We really have to be crazy to love people to inherit True Parents heart. Many times we are always controlled with Financial problems. We always consider that the number one success to do witnessing is money, yet we realized that the problem is our lack of love for Cain,lack of longing heart, lack of absolute Jeong Seong for Cain. That’s why I cannot de the support from the spiritual world and lost good fortune. And I became stagnant in witnessing. We are like thieves who just stole the blessing from True Parents, just enjoy it, live a comfortable life without thinking about the miserable life of True Parents,

Heavenly Parents who offered absolute Jeong Seong for me to be saved and received my great blessing. We are now in the era of CIG New Moon. And the core content of this is Heart. The current secular world is facing a Heart Revolution. Covid-29 pandemic provides us the way to have at all time learn God’s word together with our family and be resurrected. God asks us to go back to our home and restore the lost longing heart to God. Through lack down we are given a chance to enter the Heart.

We are upgraded through Morning Devotion and family Hoon Dok Hae. The 3rd stage of 40 day MD is our final chance to establish our sincere Jeong Seong for God and for True Parents. My family resolution is to focus on the success of our HTM restoration.

Once again thank you so much Dr. Yong for your great love to all of us.

Aju! Kamsahamnida!

Rev. Jun Jumawan
FilJap Regional Leader 

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