Morning Devotion Reflection
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Kim Salamanque
Until now, the word has generally been understood as the means by which God conveys His will, plan, and purpose to human beings, and to fulfill the purpose of God's providence. however, the word was to be understood by Human beings as God's love for them, which they had to discover through their portion of responsibility. they were to substantiate the word ( in their character and in their daily Life), thereby accomplishing the purpose of the Word. This constitutes the fulfillment of God's purpose of creation. the perfection of love, by becoming God's "body" and God's "temple." the scholars of the old testament did not seek to perfect love through the word, but rather saw it as a way or means to go to heaven. The Messiah came to fulfill the law through love, not to judge whether or not people have kept to the letter of the law. God's love is expressed through the word, human beings were not able to receive it. Thus, in order to allow them to understand that love, the Messiah comes to this earth as the substance of the word. (substance of love) and investing love. even then, human beings could not receive that love because they did not understand it.
"i still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now." - John 16:12
Therefore, without sincere and earnest repentance for having lived not understanding how the Messiah has loved "me," and consequently without forgiveness that follows repentance, one will not be able to receive the love of the Messiah. When Peter was living together with Jesus, he vowed that he loved Jesus, but in reality he did not understand Jesus' love or heart. That is why at the time of judgement, Peter denied Jesus and ran away.
Happy Sunday Kuyas!
- Kim
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