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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Rev. Roy Carumba's Morning Devotion Reflection, June 15, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection
June 15, 2020
By Roy C. Carumba

How Earnest do You have to Be?

This question really echoed in my heart and mind.

When Rev. Yong tells the story of His mother desperately praying and doing everything to save her daughter, telling God to take Her Life instead. I had a deep realization of how Heavenly Parents earnestly and desperately longing for the salvation of humanity (us) his children. That He is willing to Give His Life for us. I can now understand more deeply the Heart of Jesus When he gave His life because people did not accept Him. Jesus as God’s son willingly pays the price for the sake of us. Same as True Parents willingly paying the price for the failure of Christians to accept Him. Going through miserable situations, imprisonments, tortured and persecutions for the sake of all of us.

Heavenly Parents' willingness to sacrifice His own life through the life of Jesus and True Parents for the sake of Humanity, really this is a one-sided love.

This makes me ask myself, do I have a one-sided love, earnest heart and longing heart to save my Cain, my Tribe, my ancestors' liberation that I want to give my life for them?

I cry and feel sorry that I have not done much to my Cain, my Tribe, my ancestors' liberation. As water boils at 100 degrees, my one-sided love, earnest heart, longing heart did not yet reach and did not yet “100 degrees”.

As I listen to your guidance I grow and understand more Heavenly Parents and True Parents Heart.

Eternally Grateful,

Roy Carumba.

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