GoodDay : HF/HTP/HP/TM and Dr.Yong , Abojiee!
Praised you all with Bro.’s & Sis.’s
My Reflection,
God bless us as we pay attention everyday to this Morning Devotion
With HP/TP Words and Dr. Yong as his spokesman !
It’s almost a week today since the 3rd stage of 40Days started , and HP with TF want to revealed everything again & again . This because Time is important for God to study more and educate our hearts as we long for him.
God/TP want to refresh our mind & heart to deepen our understanding and to connect to them since pandemic crisis are still observed.
This revolution of heart education served as an alternative solution for all of us to Give important back to god while we still some in our home staying and praying for complete eradication of this corona virus and totally end of the crisis . As I reflected and realized today .. the presentation goes more in depth of knowing and understanding the valued of all of Tears and sacrifices by our TF while he was young Man and How much he sheds tears for his country , the people , and God . In such a kind of never ending Tears endures While searching for real answers and solution of all problems of mankind , nation and for the world .
He desperate hearts , and seriousness.., even delivered him in to a desperate life and death situation in reality when he studied so much From bibles and all text books he read just to find out answers to the His questions .., everything he did made for him to connect it all for God will. TF attitudes and characters is so different and amazing to observed . Having such kind of mindset and seriousness , are indeed we need to inherit as we deserved to follow his own kind of characters and attitudes . when he praying not just ordinary prayer but very desperate enough to and ardent , Unstoppable tears
Coming down in his eyes upon know God sorrowful hearts in reality & even Satan identity . TF serious studies and prayers focus dedicated to focus
For the sake of God will and all
Mankind .., and never think for his own . His love for his country , nation
Of Korea are so much that even he cry out asking himself who will protect his nation as a chosen nation . As he leaves his country to go study in Japan.., prayed & cry out with tears so much . Worrying and love his country , the Korea thinking of the miserable situation at that time when he was young as 20 yrs old . Being as filial son TF loving his country and sheds tears more than a patriot when think of his nation , & so much shedding tears for HP as holy of the holy man as saint . It here when we can understand how much TF show to us his hearts to
Sympathized God sorrowful hearts, concerned of his people and his country Korea , thinking so much of will take ownership ; protect and concerned to the miserable situation of korea at that time . This a kind of characters that we need to inherit also when we deserved to be filial child before God andHP., As TF
Words : “A person who cannot love their own country
Cannot love heaven “! Further more , TF said : “ A person who love truly God ,cannot help but loving the world god ‘s love ; A person who love God cannot help but loving that nation God love , ; A person who love God cannot help but loving The people God’s Love .!”
Here we can reflect from words of TF , of How truly we love our nation much as we love God ? .., we need really to love our nation . As much as we the world and True Parents . Since accordingly , one who cannot love your nation cannot love God !” As we truly love God , definitely we can love our nation .!”
We need to
Inherit this kind of TF spirit wherever you are ., and as missionary . We need to love our mission country & our Jeongseong heart and even to die and bury our body to that country ! Someone who disregard such responsibility
And need to go back lately are enduring unrighteous attitudes accordingly . , this is not the right attitude for s missionary ! As long as we carry our nation country will need bury our body to where we are in the mission country , and this valuable
thing to considered by all of our ancestors and someday and made your Gloried by them when can visit your tomb !
Understanding our position as Blessed family , we to think to participate by sending our children to the world to contribute .!it is important to love our nation ., since those who cannot we love their nation don’t have a qualification to love god !
We also need to pray , & she’d so much tears as much as we love God , where there ‘s no tears for God., Your are fake .!
Leaders also who cannot shed tears for their members accordingly are considered fake if you cannot love and shed tears for the sake of loving the members ! How much you have shed Tears , means how much you love god .
Here we understand that “Tears πand Love ❤️”are the same , & nothing different to compared !”
When we can love our children’s many tears come out , we must have that attitude of praying god with tears , and keep this kind of characters . As much as we love our children our parental tears are there ; for leaders who love their members truly , All tears are there to experienced !
Indeed TF said :” How much do you love your parents mean how much Tears do you have for them .
Moreover, when there’s a longing (LH❤️) heart always there ‘s a Tears ! .., When we can truly love somebody & have such LH❤️at the same time , always tears come down !” TF shed tears for all saint and sages when he thinks for all Mankind more than patriot !
Here we can realized to recognized that : Love equal tears , and LH❤️= tears .
Because of longing heart too much , tears come out π! If we can love truly, eagerly to love our TF and TMother automatically tears came out !longing hearts equal tears therefore always wet ! How much we can shed tears for TP and members ? Because Center leaders never cry for members .,, this is the reason why many members run away ! Leaders had no space to take care sometimes of its members (as TF say )., we need to have repentance and shed tears for them and if leaders can be like that ., leaders will not get perish ! And the way we can raised up our children’s , is through a mothers tears.!
TF said : Fallen man problems fall on having “ No hearts , No tears !
Fallen man are dry and no tears to sympathized by looking HF Understanding God Hearts . Don’t have emotion , one of the main reason why we can’t have tears accordingly , is that because we never experienced God sorts hearts !
With TF /Hp incredible tears , he cry for us ,endured efforts and investing so much ., as Messiah behavior , always shedding tears .
Understanding all these efforts True Parents endures , it all for the sake of mankind and for God will .., here we can understand that our position as Bless family should been inherit the tears and sorrowful hearts of God and True Parents .., to experienced is the best way for us .., and how much more we can truly love our Family , members , nations and for the world to be ., for such incredible opportunities o order to be called filial son’s and daughters . We our burning desire to support and give our best to to do portion of responsibilities in establishing Substantials Cheon IL Guk , where one nation we can offer to God and HP/TP it is where when the time are truly enough for our hearts and tears to sheds .,having success and truly we could have s nation for their dreams to realized .! With all our sure understanding of our TP sacrifices and tears to give us blessings for ideals family it is where the time for us to have them in ideals Dreams and wish to offer in return ..! Aju .,! Grateful appreciation once again for this day of true hearts education., it where we can understand of who truly we are for the sake of the world and God ! Aju !
God bless you Dr. Yong and your family ! And to the Thailand family members ! Aju ..! More power each day ! Respectfully yours Marcelo Morguia , -30K ‘92 π»π